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platonus amu - platonus kazatu

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platonus amu - platonus kazatu [Подробнее...]

Платформу Platonus недавно ввели в систему нашего университета, благодаря этой платформе преподавателям очень удобно контролировать посещаемость студентов, ставить баллы и многое другое. Platonus is an online platform for students and teachers of AlmaU, a leading university in Almaty. Platonus allows you to access your personal cabinet, courses, assignments and grades anytime and anywhere. Пароль. Войти. Дополнительно. Регистрация абитуриентов. Установите мобильное приложение. App Store Google Play. ©Platonus v6. (build#). Zhantureeva., priyem@, v. The automated information system "Platonus" allows automation of the main information processes related to education pro cess planning, organization and monitoring in a h igher education institution. The AIS "Platonus" differs from the AEMS "TUS" in having "Virtual Classrooms" (Figure 1) providing the possibility to conduct online classes using a graphics board. Figure 1 A virtual classroom in the AIS "Platonus" A virtual learning environment can function on one computer or a local. На рус.,каз. яз.) планируется проведение обучения прокторов и преподавателей, для тех, кто проводит онлайн экзамены на платформе Moodle и АИС «Platonus» по. Students are encouraged to regularly check incoming mail and messages in information systems. Information and messages posted by the administration or the lecturer are considered as received and read by the students. AIS "Platon" is a platform through which students register for disciplines, view the schedule of training sessions. Регистрация абитуриентов. Platonus v 5.2 (build# 444), Platonus. ×. AMU Weekdays. The science. Collegial bodies. Scientific projects. Scientific conferences and events. On approval of the rules for awarding academic titles. Publications of University scientists. Scientific publications of the NAO MUA. Information on Platonus. Справки с места учёбы. Установите мобильное приложение. App Store Google Play © v (build#), 2006- v (build#), 2006. AMU Weekdays. The science. Collegial bodies. Scientific projects. Scientific conferences and events. On approval of the rules for awarding academic titles. Publications of University scientists. Scientific publications of the NAO MUA. Information on Platonus. Справки с места учёбы. Platonus. Русский, Қазақша, English. Войти. Регистрация абитуриентов. ©Platonus v5.3 (build# 694), Platonus. ×. Platonus. The AIS "Platonus" differs from the AEMS "TUS" in having "Virtual Classrooms" (Figure 1) providing the possibility to conduct online classes using a graphics board. Figure 1 A virtual classroom in the AIS "Platonus" A virtual learning environment can function on one computer or a local.

дәрігер туралы мақала, менің арманым дәрігер болу эссе 4 сынып аист телефонный справочник алматы, адресно-телефонный справочник каргу 7 корпус, 4 корпус каргу жаңа оқу жылындағы өзгерістер 2023-2024, оқу жылының басталуы 2023-2024 меніңше жаһандану білдіреді, жаһандану дәуіріндегі өткір шешім эссе

What is one example of a kazakh custom marriage - kazakhstan wedding dance [Читать далее...]

Kazakhstan is a bilingual country: the Kazakh language, spoken by 64.4% of the population, has the status of the "state" language, while Russian, which is spoken by. They performed by singing and dancing dressed in traditional suits. Trying to show national attributes of every nationality. Especially Russian dance "Kalinka". Kazakh people are not exception. They always had their established traditions and customs of wedding ceremonies. Matchmaking (Kuda tusu) is the most interesting and андронов мәдениеті баспаналары unusual of all pre-wedding traditions. Sundet, or rite of circumcision, is a significant tradition that has been preserved and is often observed in Kazakh families. This custom originated with the arrival of Islam in the Great Steppe and remains one of the most important family traditions. Sundet is typically performed when a boy turns 3, 5 or 7 years old. The Culture, Customs and Traditions of Kazakhstan A woman wearing a traditional national costume of Kazakhstan. Officially known as the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan has a culture that dates all the way back to between the seventh and twelfth centuries when Islam was introduced to the nation. The culture traces its roots to the nomadic nature of the people as well as Islam, which is the. The wedding in native Kazakh language is Uilenu toyi, the marriage is Ui bolu. The religious part of the Kazakh wedding ceremony is called Neke Qïyu (Kazakh: Неке қию, from Arabic Nikah). The wedding process may take many weeks and even months to complete. This is because a Kazakh marriage, like marriages in most Muslim societies. This tradition was also called «kursak shashu», or»kursak toy». The women who came to this event bring various delicious desserts with them. The goal is to help. Fatima Tuz Zehra, The Gulf Observer: Weddings have always been the most lavish and favorite event in Kazakh families. Traditional preparations and celebrations were always very long: they lasted for days or even weeks and had their own rituals and rules to follow. The first son was expected to get married first, followed by second son and so. Child marriages have traditionally been a common custom. Citizens officially come of age in Kazakhstan at the age of 18. The country's law on marriage and family specify the marriage minimum age of 18 years for both for men and women. MARRIAGE IN KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakh wedding Kazakhs are Sunni Muslims. Their marriage and wedding customs have traditionally been in line with Islamic law and customs. In accordance with their nomadic. MARRIAGE IN KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakh wedding Kazakhs are Sunni Muslims. Their marriage and wedding customs have traditionally been in line with Islamic law and customs. In accordance with their nomadic. Sundet, or rite of circumcision, is a significant tradition that has been preserved and is often observed in Kazakh families. This custom originated with the. Kazakhstan is a bilingual country: the Kazakh language, spoken by 64.4% of the population, has the status of the "state" language, while Russian, which is spoken by almost all. Kazakhstanis, is declared the "official" language, and is used routinely in business. Kazakh (also Qazaq) is a Turkic language closely related to Nogai and Karakalpak.

свадьба димаша кудайбергенова, где сейчас живет димаш кудайбергенов абай құнанбаев қара сөздері, абайдың қара сөздері 1-45 көңілді старт спорттық ойындар балабақшада, эстафеталық жарыс сценарий балабақша 1 жалпы білім беретін мектебі коммуналдық мемлекеттік, мәдениет және өнер фракциясы мақсаты
әкеге ізет анаға құрмет сынып сағаты қмж
тахауи ахтанов шығармашылығы
файл деген не
ағылшын мұғаліміне арналған тақпақ
жалпы білім беру ұйымдарындағы тәрбие жұмысының


~~~~~ өрт сөндіру құралдары реферат ~~~~~
